This day was not just a day where two lives would be joined; it would also be a day to celebrate the work t

Jessika and Diego have been dating for many years and thought that this day would never come - but on Saturday, August 22, 2009 their two lives became one. The ceremony was held at Crossbridge Church and the brides Father, Pastor William Hoyer, officiated. Various family members arrived from Brasil to share in this special moment including the brides Grandmother Waldette Hoyer who also did a reading of the scripture and sang a hymn to honor the bride and groom.
The reception was held at Signature Gardens, where not an eye was dry during the Father Daughter Dance. It was a moment to celebrate the marriage but also the many victories God has given to both these families. The festivities continued and everyone was surprised when the Mariachis arrived, which serenaded the bride and groom and also had Tio Berto Hoyer and Paulo Hoyer sing along with the group, what an enjoyable moment. Of course, the night would not be complete without having their son Mathew Hoyer Alarcon participate in some of the festivities with Jessika and Diego, what a beautiful family!
Thank you for allowing us to participate in this very special moment in your lives and allowing me to capture these precious moments for you. May God always be in first place in your lives and may you have many years of happiness, love the Silva Family.
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