Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I cannot believe that we are already in December and that so much time has lapsed between my last blog entry and today.  I apologize for the delay, but 2010 has proven to be a year full of blessings and of challenges.  Blessings because of the wonderful opportunities I have had to capture special moments in the lives of many beautiful couples and challenges with regards to time constraints and not having the chance to update my blog and share these moments with you. 

I would now like to take time to highlight some of these moments and share the images from the love stories I had the occasion to capture, which also captured my heart and made it an exceptionally blessed year for me as a photographer...

...I hope that you enjoyed these images as much as I enjoyed capturing them. I look forward to sharing additional events in the coming months with all of you as I hope to stay up to date, as much as possible, with my blog.
Thanks Fabiano Silva 

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